What if it could be easier?
Whether you “don’t know where to start” or already “know what to do,” You can finally get the information and support you need to make lasting changes to
Feel better now and
prevent disease later
Andrea standing inblue shirt
I'm your expert guide, Dr. Andy Grayson, and I've been through it.

Are you a woman in midlife who is tired of being pulled to treats like cookies, and carbs like pasta and bread?

Or maybe you’re exhausted by the constant will power battles and mental noise about whether or not to eat a treat?

It doesn’t have to be that way! Getting to the other side of a sugar detox helps re-balance your gut bacteria, hormones, taste buds and reward center, so you can finally start feeling free without cravings.


"Before signing up for this program I did not know how I could get out of the unhealthy cycle. I have tried many times on my own, but only lasted a short time before getting back into eating sugar and thinking about it all the time...Since doing this program I have experienced increased energy and a real freedom from sugar addiction. I lost 5 pounds which feels good. My mood has been positive and my body feels clear. I plan to continue on this path...I have all the tools I need to be healthier and happier now. "

illustration of a rocket flying upward with a stream of fire propelling it

Your mission – should you choose to accept it – is to complete 10 days without added sugar and flour, get to the other side of detox, and be free of cravings with the exact eating plan that makes you feel energized and satisfied. [From there, with sugar out of your system, you can start unraveling the habits, stress, emotions, and social rituals that have kept you stuck, so you can finally feel truly free.]

By the end of this program, you will understand the different types of cravings, have strategies and tools for addressing them, and begin practicing how to eat to optimize energy and mental clarity and minimize food drama, weight gain and the risk for chronic disease.

Imagine in just 10 days you can look at a cookie without an overwhelming feeling to devour it.  Free from the drama, you are empowered to choose the foods that make your body sing, without feelings of being deprived for FOMO. 

Before long you experience a reduction of inflammation, excess weight and other symptoms that have crept in and are keeping you from thriving. You are on your way to finally feeling free, and exclaiming “It was the sugar all along!”

freshly baked chocolate chip cookies
10-day sugar detox logo, white letters on teal blue background
If you’ve been trying to quit sugar for a while but it just keeps coming back to bite you, come learn the skills and mindset tools to become truly free. You’ll never have to diet again.

I didn't join this challenge in the past because I told myself I should be able to just stop eating sugar. But I didn't! It was really helpful to learn about the effects of different foods on the body. Andy shared so much helpful and important information. Being part of a group made the challenge a social and even fun thing to do. With these things in place, it was really easy for me to stop eating sugar and follow the protocol.

Imagine in just 10 days you can look at a cookie without an overwhelming feeling to devour it. Free from the drama, you are empowered to choose the foods that make your body sing, without feelings of being deprived for FOMO.

Next 2-week program will be happening October 24-November 7th  — just in time for the holiday season!

Please note the dates of the live coaching calls — they will all recorded and posted.

Live coaching calls at 7:00pm on:

  • Thursday, October 24
  • Monday, October 28
  • Thursday, October 31
  • Monday, November 4
  • Thursday, November 7

"I’m elated... I have more even energy which is hitting at the right time of year I don’t want to lose that feeling so I’m continuing on the program as best as I can."

"This was an empowering program I can easily see myself changing the way I eat."

"I am excited about going forward. I'm already down a few pounds without stressing about food - I just eat whole foods when I'm hungry and don't think about it otherwise."

Over 4,000 people have taken the program with 96% of them saying they were successful reducing their sugar consumption, and 100% would recommend it to a friend.
This program is for you if:
  • You’ve tried quitting before, and even been successful for a while, but need a boost to get back on track
  • You want to start developing the skills and attitude for the long haul
  • You know there are tricks and tips to making it easier but you just don’t know what they are
  • You want the support and accountability of a group aiming for the same goal
  • You are sick and tired of being sick and tired
  • You just need to do it already!
Reasons to do a 10-Day Sugar Detox:

✔️ Designed to get you through the hardest 10 days of reducing your sugar intake

✔️ Gives you a reset to start fresh

✔️ Gives your body a break from the blood sugar swings and inflammation-causing foods

✔️ Designed to get you through the detox easily so you can start working on your physical and emotional habits when the cravings aren’t there.

What's included in the 10-Day Sugar Detox Challenge:
  • How to plan for a 10-Day Sugar Detox Challenge – so you don’t have to figure it out yourself
  • Worksheets and tools – to understand yourself better and make the process easier
  • Meal planning and recipe ideas – so you’ll be ready and inspired
  • Key teachings that shed light on why it’s so hard to quit – so you’ll understand how you got here what to work on
  • 5 live coaching calls that will be recorded and available for viewing on demand
  • 24/7 community discussion space
  • and…PRIZES!

A limited number of private health coaching spots are available to help you transcend the habits and blocks that keep you from thriving. I offer a compassionate, whole-person approach. Read more about Private Coaching.

Graphic that says "start now, private coaching, on your schedule, trauma-informed, customized lifestyle support"
image of charlene

“Before starting the Breaking Free from Sugar program, I had low energy and strong cravings. I spent a lot of time searching and trying ‘fads’ on the internet without really understanding the source of my problems. The science behind it is really what made me realize this is different. It solves the root of the problem versus a band-aid solution. When I started losing 3lbs a month consistently for 6 months with very little effort on my part. I didn’t have to count calories. I didn’t feel like I was starving or hungry. I have a meal planning system that is easy to ensure I have the ‘right’ food when hunger hits. I keep my kitchen stocked with the right food so I can just reach for something and know that it’s good for my body.”  Charlene T.