The one question to ask yourself every day

graphic illustration of an outline of a human head with a big, colorful question mark superimposed on it

There’s a lot of talk of morning routines out there; those things you do, often in a specific order, to get all systems moving in the same direction to optimize your day. Common elements in the morning routine include: hydrating, meditation or a contemplative practice, journaling, exercise, hygiene and nourishment. These elements do indeed make […]

Seduced by the Comfort of the Familiar

photo of a large, comfy, red velvet chair with a stripe, with inviting light coming in through a window

A few days ago, after a discombobulated workday, I found myself thinking about having a glass of wine. This thought would not have been out of the ordinary 5 years ago. Back then it was normal for me to turn to alcohol to take the edge off, and it served as a symbol signifying the […]

Yes you CAN do this!

image of stone steps, a metaphor for taking small steps on the journey to quitting sugar

Many factors go into successful behavior change, including knowing what you want, setting up systems, planning for obstacles among them. While all those things are important, the belief that you can change is probably the most important. Beliefs play a major role at every stage of behavior change, and especially at the beginning. First, you […]

What are you ready to let go of?

swimmer reaching for the pool wall

Up until very recently, I used to make these Amazing Low Carb Bread Rolls every week. For someone who stopped eating wheat over a decade ago, and generally eats low-carb most of the time, a suitable bread is something hard to come by, and greatly missed. Certain foods pine for a vehicle, like avocados and […]

Do you need a Pivot Plan?

image of a roller coaster loop

Do you feel like you’re in a good groove with your diet, exercise, sleep, hydration and contemplative practice?

Mastering Habits with Curiosity: Your Key to Success

A glass jar filled with spices and a label that says CHAI

I love a good cup of coffee. From the moment the scent of freshly ground beans starts wafting into the room, my anticipation of delight grows. And the first couple of sips meet that anticipation with the warm glow of a desire fulfilled, just like the first sips of a cold beer or white wine. […]

Do You Have Repetitive Thought Injuries (RTIs)?

woman holding her head

“Everything matters,” I pronounced the other day, as my partner and I were getting ready for bed. “Yes it does,” he replied, and added: “What is the context you are considering?”